Sybren Valkema Honorary Prize

Winner of the Sybren Valkema Honorary Prize in 2007.

Jeff Wallin:
"Over the years, my exploration of the human figure has moved beyond attempting to capture the physical presence of the body. The work has evolved into my meditation on the passage of time, its effects on the body, and the unexpected ways by which an accumulation of marks can acquire new meaning outside of the experiences that created them. Part of the power of art is in its potential to bring out feelings of familiarity and ownership from anyone who views it. The claim encompasses both the subject and the memories surrounding the subject's history. These works are not meant to convey a specific history; they simply need to be history."

The Sybren Valkema Honorary Prize in 2007 was award to Jeff Wallin by an international jury, chaired by dan Klein, at the Glassmuseum in Ebeltoft Denmark. The prize, which was sponsored by Vrij Glas and the Valkema heirs, was a month-long residency at Vrij Glas.

The next Sybren Valkema Honorary Prize will be announced in 2017.

bullseye presents jeff Wallin's work Tension
